Salem’s Ghosts is a chilling, genre-bending anthology series set in and around Salem, Massachusetts. It began production in the autumn of 2020 with the feature installment, ”Salem’s Ghosts: A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama.” This story was set during the Salem Witch Trials and tracks some of that era’s lesser-known players as they wrestle against or instigate the oncoming storm of witchcraft. The second installment is titled, ”Salem’s Ghosts: The Lynn Lady.” This more modern tale is rooted in a real-world unsolved murder that occurred in the Salem era in the 1940’s. The six episode series tracks the modern-day Bishop family, a mother a daughter pair still reeling from the sudden disappearance of the much-beloved patriarch a year before our story begins, as they become increasingly entangled in the emotional, paranormal ramifications of that horrible day eighty years prior.
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Season One - Salem’s Ghosts - A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Please note this episode was initially published on The Salem Witch Podcast, which has since transitioned to an interview show.
Salem’s Ghosts - A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama is a feature-length, full-cast audio drama. This immersive audio experience begins at the height of the Salem Witch Trials, but this take on 1692 is unlike any you’ve ever heard. It casts an unflinching eye on Salem that erases the divide between the past and present with an intensity that does not relent until it reaches its unexpected conclusion. Raw, humanizing, and character-driven, you will not want to miss this take on Salem’s history brought to life by an ensemble cast of professional vocal performers.
Salem’s Ghosts tells the haunting tale of one of the era’s most notorious villains: High Sheriff George Corwin. We follow Corwin as the pressure to be an effective arm of the court intensifies and he becomes ever more desperate to please Salem’s magisterial authorities.
Early reviewers from the Salem tourism and Witchcraft communities call the production, “Sinister, intriguing, entertaining, and ruthless" and "The perfect mix between truth and terror.”
Salem’s Ghosts is intended for mature audiences.
A note about historical accuracy and representation. Salem's Ghosts is very much based on real events. For narrative purposes, the details of some historical events have been altered as well as where certain events occurred within the overall timeline of the trials. Such alterations were not done to mislead or repaint history, but were instead purely intended to heighten or clarify the narrative.
This feature was initially what brought the production team behind the Salem's Ghosts series together. Ultimately, it serves as a first foray into the world of audio dramas for the team, but is not directly linked to the larger series, which really began with The Lynn Lady.
Learn more at: https://tosalem.com/salems-ghosts/
Learn more about the cast at: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13162564/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
Find way more about all things Salem at https://tosalem.com/
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If you would like to follow along with a full transcript, you can find the script at: https://tosalem.com/salems-ghosts/
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