Salem’s Ghosts is a chilling, genre-bending anthology series set in and around Salem, Massachusetts. It began production in the autumn of 2020 with the feature installment, ”Salem’s Ghosts: A Salem Witch Trials Paranormal Audio Drama.” This story was set during the Salem Witch Trials and tracks some of that era’s lesser-known players as they wrestle against or instigate the oncoming storm of witchcraft. The second installment is titled, ”Salem’s Ghosts: The Lynn Lady.” This more modern tale is rooted in a real-world unsolved murder that occurred in the Salem era in the 1940’s. The six episode series tracks the modern-day Bishop family, a mother a daughter pair still reeling from the sudden disappearance of the much-beloved patriarch a year before our story begins, as they become increasingly entangled in the emotional, paranormal ramifications of that horrible day eighty years prior.
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
S02 Ep. 04 - ”Secret Hideaway” - Salem’s Ghosts: The Lynn Lady
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
In episode four, Al "chances upon" Frances at Marvin's One Stop. We hear yet more from the car accident's aftermath, and another episode of Twisted Salem comes our way - this one with chilling results. We also learn a bit more of what Frances has in mind for her future and Marina has a show-down with her mother following the discovery of a certain set of papers in Patricia's closet.
Coming Up
Salem's Ghosts: The Lynn Lady will release one episode at a time for the rest of this week. There are six episodes total. The entire series will be available by Valentine's Day, 2021.
We made a bunch of merch for the premiere of The Lynn Lady. Some includes custom tarot card designs, mugs, and t-shirts. You can find it on our Redbubble store here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tosalem/shop?asc=u&ref=account-nav-dropdown
More Info:
You can find more about the series here: https://tosalem.com/lynn-lady/
If you'd like to let the actors know how well they did, we've set up a tip jar here: https://www.paypal.com/biz/fund?id=UEMG4WEBEXS5C
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